
Internal Issues and Tasks in Help Desk

Depending on how the customer help desk and task management system is implemented and the expected target audience for support services, many scenarios may arise.  tiHelpdesk supports internal issues and tasks in addition to supporting external support incidences, and external users. 
Staff members and Agents may be consumer user facing, or they may be internal facing only. Internal users can originate issues and tasks in the help desk the same as external users. Internal issues and tasks can be assigned to other staff members or agents for resolution. This allows teams flexibility in how tiHelpdesk is setup and configured and how issues and tasks flow and are resolved.  The same issues or task system can be used for internal and external issues or tasks.  These is no need to maintain multiple customer support, issue and task management systems for different user groups or user categorizations.
Utilizing Products and Groups and assigning Staff members and Agents to specific groups.  Making those groups internal or consumer facing allows flexibility and control of the help desk communications.  Product and Groups can be used to control who get to originate issues or tasks on specific subjects and who can be assigned and resolve what issues or tasks.