
Task Product / Group Settings and Options

Define the field caption associated with the "Product / Group" field that displays for Agents and Staff and Consumer Users. Set the field visibility and requirements for Agents and Staff and Consumer Users when submitting a new task or issue or editing and existing task or issue.
Not all features and options may be available depending on subscription level.
Task Product / Group Settings and Options

Require on Submit

1. Require on Submit
Determines if this field requires a value in order for the help desk task or issue to be opened or submitted.

Require on Close

2. Require on Close
Determines if this field requires a value in order for the help desk task or issue to be closed.

Staff Label

3. Staff Label
The field label that is displayed to Agents and Staff members in the tiHelpdesk instance for this field in tiHelpdesk.  This field is commonly used for Products and Groups and depending how the Products and Groups are structured many task or issue system and help desk instances display different values to consumer users that to Agents and Staff.  Internally this field may be presented as "Group" externally tiHelpdesk implementation may require that Consumer Users select a Product.

Consumer Visibility

4. Consumer Visibility
Is this field visible to the consumer users when entering tasks or issues in the help desk.

User Can Edit

5. User Can Edit
Can the consumer user set the value for this field when entering a task or issue in the help desk.

Require on Submit

6. Require on Submit
Determines if this field is required to have a value in order for a consumer user to create or submit a new task or issue in the help desk.

Consumer Label

7. Consumer Label
The label of the field displayed to consumer users in tiHelpdesk.


8. Save
Save the changes to the fields settings.


9. Cancel
Cancel the changes to the field settings and revert to previous settings.