
Integration with 8x8 Jitsi as a service

tiHelpdesk is not affiliated with 8x8 and does not receive any financial incentive for promoting their services.
Integration with Jitsi as a service from 8x8 is a cost effective video conferencing solution for use with tiHelpdesk's integrated conference calling. With teams of 25 users or less 8x8 conference calling is free with only minor charges incurred for recordings or additional services.  At the time of writing this document charges for additional (over 25) 8x8 call attendee MAU's (or unique users) was 99¢ with recordings charged at 1¢ per minute (downloadable for 24 hours.) Transcription and other add on services are also available. Charges are transparent and a dashboard is provided to manage integration.
Integration with this provider is seamless and the provides ability to brand the integrated video calls, as well as restrict access to video calls through tiHelpdesk.  Video call attendees must authenticate through tiHelpdesk with a valid help desk video call URL in order to create or access an 8x8 integrated video call.  This adds a level of integrated call security. The tiHelpdesk instance requires that a moderator (authorized call creator) is in attendance in the integrated video call in order for unregistered guests to join or attend an call on the 8x8 platform.  This reduces the likelihood of unknown attendees utilizing MAU's.  Users who have privacy mode enabled on their browser or clear their cache and cookies will consume additional MAU's.
Call recordings are displayed in the integrated video call history tab for downloading. Call recordings are only available for downloading for 24 hours.  This restriction is a limit imposed by 8x8 and cannot be overridden.
WARNING: After selecting "Start Recording" the call recording must be MANUALLY stopped by a moderator by selecting "Stop Recording." With this provider, the call recording will continue even if ALL attendees have left the meeting before a moderator has stopped call recording. Supplemental charges will be incurred for recording an empty meeting at your plans rates.  If recording is on, the call will appear active in the call history tab. The call recording link cannot be added to your call history tab until the recording has been stopped and the link returned by the provider.
Sample dashboard screenshot:
Sample add on charges from 8x8 for a video recording.