
Help Desk - Video Conferencing

Depending on the users privileges and subscription level not all features and options may be available. Use of third party integrated video conferencing requires a "Premier Subscription." tiHelpdesk supports integration with select third party Video Conferencing providers.  The call settings allow the site administrator to set up and configure the help desk to use the preferred third party provider's video conferencing services. tiHelpdesk does not have any financial interest in any subscribers utilizing any video conferencing provider.  We do not receive any commissions or kickbacks from video conferencing providers.  The selection and arrangement made with any video conferencing provider is strictly between you and the provider.
Currently supported options include:
Free Jitsi. Utilizing free Jistsi to make video calls has one significant benefit: It is free. Unfortunately with this freedom comes limitations.  For some companies these limitations may be insignificant.  Others may want to utilize a paid service or their own servers to overcome these limitations. Primarily these limitations involve quality, security and recording.  Free Jitsi records only to file storage services like drop box.  This means that in order to make call recordings a storage provider must be configured in Jitsi unless you are using a browser extension that supports screen and audio recording. The help desk will not be notified when a recording is ready and will not be able to provide access to the call recordings. The recording quality as well as the quality of the calls using free Jitsi varies based on available processor power and bandwidth.  The help desk is not informed when users join the free Jitsi conference call.  The help desk cannot prevent anonymous unknown users from joining a free Jitsi call and all calls are generally open to the public if they have the call URL and room name. Utilizing free Jitsi video conferencing is easy and requires very little in the way of configuration.  The Administrator simply has to check the Jitsi Meet checkbox and have the appropriate help desk subscription level. More information about free Jitsi meet is available by clicking here.
8x8 Jitsi as a service.   Utilizing 8x8 as a service provider for video conferencing has significant benefits.  For 25 users or less the service is generally free.  Add ons such as recording and transcription will result in charges on any plan.  At the time of writing this help topic the charge per additional user was $0.99 per month for each user over the first 25 and the call for recording services was $0.01 per minute. The service is easy to sign up for. Easy to configure.  Has good reporting tools. Integrates well with the help desk and returns the attendee join and recording notification. In general 8x8 video conferencing services have worked well and provided high quality video conferencing and recording with low latency throughout tiHelpdesk's testing and evaluation of the service.   More information about using 8x8 Jitsi as a service is available by clicking here.
Custom Jitsi Servers. Utilizing a custom video conferencing configuration on owned physical or virtual servers and infrastructure including on AWS and Azure is also an option.  JitComplete Jistsi integration is available.  For more information regarding configuring custom Jistsi servers please contact our support staff.
screenshot of administrator module's video conferenting settings

Jitsi Meet

Select the Jitsi meet option to enable free Jitsi Meet conferencing integration

8x8 Jitsi as a Service

To enable 8x8 Jitsi as a service click this checkbox and complete the configuration requirements on the 8x8 Jitsi as a Service tab (see below) and then click save.

Custom Servers

To enable Custom Jitsi Servers click this checkbox and complete the configuration requirements on the Custom Jitsi Servers tab (see below) and then click save.


save button
Click save to save and apply any changes. The effect of changes is immediate and may require page refresh.

Configuration Tab for 8x8

image of sample video conferencing service
To implement 8x8 Jitsi as Service the configuration settings on this tab must be completed (see below.)

Configuration Tab for Custom Servers

6. Configuration Tab for Custom Servers
To implement Custom Servers the configuration settings on this tab must be completed (see below.)

8x8 Jitsi as a Service Configuration Settings
These settings must be configure in order to use this provider.  These settings are available from the account management console for the account used to register with the provider.
screenshot of video confercing settings that require an API key

Webhook URL

sample web hook text
This value is static and will be generated automatically based on your tiHelpdesk configuration settings.

Custom Jitsi Servers Configuration Settings
These settings must be configured in order to use this provider.  These settings values are determined based on the configuration and URLS of the custom servers implementation.  If you require assistance with configuring custom Jitsi servers for use with your help desk then please contact our support staff.
screenshot of help desk software's custom video conferencing server settings

Sample Video Calling Service Charges - 3rd Party
Third party charges are between the video conferencing provider and the help desk subscriber. The following example from jaas.8x8.vc is included for informational purposes only.
screenshot of sample vieo conferencing usage data