Help Desk Email Address
A support email address is automatically generated for each tiHelpdesk instance implementation. Emails sent to this address will generate help desk tasks. The tiHelpdesk instance has two different modes. If you require an "open" system where users can open tasks without registering, or requiring approval, allowing user to be registered automatically then configure the tiHelpdesk instance as an "Open System. " If you prefer to control user access and control access to creating tasks in the tiHelpdesk instance to users that have received an invite then configure the help desk as a "Closed" system. Accounts and email addresses can be marked as spam and ignored. For more information about open and closed tasking systems please see System Type.
Use Custom Email Address on Your Domain
By implementing email forwarding to the automatically generated tiHelpdesk instance email address above, you can have Customers, Agents and Staff send emails to any email address address to create a task. This is done by enabling email forwarding to your help desk email address from any other preferred email address. Emails sent to your preferred address will be forwarded automatically and will generate help desk and support tasks.