
Help Desk - Tags

Tags allow labels or data to be associated with specific tasks in the help desk for the purpose of ease of task identification or to provide other information.  Tasks can be filtered based on tag values.  Tag values are displayed in the task list on the task cards.  Tags are a method for used for classifying tasks in tiHelpdesk.  Sample tag values are displayed on the screenshot below and will vary by help desk instance and industry.  There are two ways to assign tags to tasks.  Tags can be assigned when a task is added or edited by an agent or staff. Tags may also be assigned from the task header while viewing a task.
Help Desk - Tags

Sample Tag

1. Sample Tag
Sample tag values assigned to a customer service help desk task.

Sample Tag

2. Sample Tag
Sample tag values assigned to a customer service help desk task.
Add task tags wile editing a task
Help Desk - Tags

Assigned Tag Value

1. Assigned Tag Value
Sample assigned task tag value.  Task tag values can be used to filter tasks.  Task tag values are displayed on the task list view in the help desk.  Click on the "X" on a task tag assigned value to remove a specific tag value from the task.

Tag Value Drop Down

2. Tag Value Drop Down
Click on the Tag value drop down to select and assign task tag values to the selected task.  Task tag values can be used to filter tasks.  Task tag values are displayed on the task list view in the help desk.
Add task tags from task header
Task tags can be assigned from the task header while viewing a task.  Clicking on the Tags+ option will display a menu listing tags.  Selecting a tag from the menu will add the tag to the task.
Help Desk - Tags

Tag display area

1. Tag display area
Assigned tags will be displayed in this area under the task header. Tags can be deleted without requiring editing of the task.  Click on the "X" displayed next to a task tag to delete it.

Tag Icon

2. Tag Icon
Add task tag icon.

Tag menu

3. Tag menu
This menu contains a list of all active task tags.  Clicking on a task tag adds the tag to the currently displayed task.