
Help Desk - Editing Companies and Divisions

Companies are used to group consumers and end users. For More information about Companies and Divisions please see the Companies and Divisions help topic.
Depending on the users privileges and subscription level not all features and options may be available.
company detail edit mode view

Upload Logo

1. Upload Logo
Select the "Upload Logo" button to open a file selection dialog and upload and assign a graphics file to the selected company.

Delete Logo

2. Delete Logo
Select the "Delete Logo" button to delete the assigned graphics logo file for the selected company.

Company Name

3. Company Name
The name of the end user or end consumer company or division.

Splitter Bar

4. Splitter Bar
The Splitter Bar allows the user to resize the Detail View.

Company Description

5. Company Description
Description of the company or division.  This is for general purposes only and is not displayed anywhere else in the consumer support and help desk task system.


6. Notes
Notes and comments that have been associated with the displayed Company or Division. These notes are not displayed anywhere except on the Company Details Screen.  Information that may be included here could consist of anything that was of importance to Agents and Staff when dealing with this Company or Division.

Products and Groups

7. Products and Groups
The products that have been associated with the selected company or division.  Consumer and end users of tiHelpdesk can enter tasks for the products that have been assigned to their Company or Division.  Users associated with Products and Groups can only create tasks for those specific Products and Groups. For more information about Products and Groups see the related help topic.


8. Save
To save changes to the company or division details click on the save button.

Save and Add Users

9. Save and Add Users
To save changes to the company or division details and then start adding users to the company click on the save and add users button.


10. Cancel
To cancel all changes to the company or division details click on the cancel button.


11. Delete
To mark the company or division as deleted and to prevent if from being displayed in to task system and help desk users the click on the delete button. Deleted Companies and Division can be un-deleted later. For more information about filtering on or displaying deleted records please refer to the Filter and Search Panel help topic.