
Help Desk - Task Details

Task details are visible by clicking on a task in the list or by typing the issue or task's reference number in the Action Toolbar. From the help desk's task details side panel or in full screen task details view users can change the priority, status, and staff assignment; reply to the help desk task and access all file attachments as well as edit previous replies.  Options that are available and visible to a user in tiHelpdesk will depend on the subscription level and the user's privileges.
Help Desk - Task Details


1. Owner
The task owner is the originator of the task.  The task owner is the entity, either an external consumer user, customer or an internal consumer user or Staff member. Depending how the tiHelpdesk instance is implemented in the subscribing organization depends on the type of task owners that the organization may have. Clicking on the contact name will open the Contact Overlay.

File Attachments

2. File Attachments
A list of files that have been attached to the original task or one of the replies. Any of the attached files can be downloaded in a browser by clicking on the file download icon or link.
Help Desk - Task Details

File Name and Size

1. File Name and Size
The original name of the attached file and the file's size.

Download Link

2. Download Link
A file can be downloaded in the browser browser by clicking on the file download icon or link.

Product or Group

3. Product or Group
The Product or Group icon displayed with the Product or Groups selected color.


4. Status
The status of the task. Tasks can have custom status values, or use standard task system status values that include: Open, Waiting on Customer, Pending, Resolved, Closed.  The Status can be changed from the task header if a user has the correct privileges. Refer to the Administration help topics for setting custom task statuses.  For more information please refer to the Status help topic.


5. Priority
The priority of the task often determined or set by the task originator (depending on the configuration settings) The task can be assigned custom priorities or use standard task system priority values that include: Urgent, High, Medium, and Low.  The task priority can be changed from the task header if a user has the correct privileges. For more information please refer to the Priority help topic. Please refer to the Administration help topic for setting and administering custom priorities.

Staff Assignment

6. Staff Assignment
The staff or Agent that has been assigned to a task.  The assignee can be changed from the task header if a user has the correct privileges. This is the identity of the Staff member or Agent that is responsible for resolving the task.  Only Staff members and Agents can be assigned to help desk tasks.  When a task is assigned, the originator and assignee will receive a notification that the task was assigned (depending on a users' notification settings. See the User Notifications help topic for more info.)

Edit Reply

7. Edit Reply
Depending on user permissions and subscription level, a reply can be edited by the sender after it has been attached to a task by clicking on the edit reply button.


8. Type
The type of the task is often determined or set by the task originator (depending on the configuration settings) The task type can be assigned custom types or use standard task type that include: Task, Question, Incident, Problem, Information Only .  The task type can be changed by editing the task if a user has the correct privileges. For more information please refer to the Types help topic. Please refer to the Administration help topic for setting and administering custom task types.

Reference Number

9. Reference Number
The issue or task's reference number for this task in the tiHelpdesk instance is displayed here.


10. Subject
The task subject that was provided by the task originator at the time of creating the task.

Last Modified By

11. Last Modified By
The task's last modified date and last modified by entity.  This entity and date is not the date of replies attached to the task in the help desk. This date and user entity reflect the last user to edit the original task and the timestamp when any changes were made to the original task in the customer service desk. Clicking on the contact name will open the Contact Overlay.

Splitter Bar

12. Splitter Bar
The splitter bar allows the user to resize the task panel in tiHelpdesk dashboard.

Reply Details

13. Reply Details
The task's replies appear underneath one another.  Each reply has a reply header with the senders details so it is easy for a user to keep track of who replied to the task and what information they provided.

Close Detail Panel

14. Close Detail Panel
Click the "Close Detail Panel" button to close the detail panel and return to the Task List view.

Due Date

15. Due Date
Depending on user permissions and subscription level, a task due date can be selected.  Notifications are sent when tasks are not resolved by their due date.

Collapse and Expand Conversation

16. Collapse and Expand Conversation
Long conversations are collapsed in order to make it easy for the user to scroll to the latest message. To expand or collapse a task's conversation in the help desk, click on the collapse / expand control.

Delete Entry

17. Delete Entry
Depending on user permissions and subscription level, a reply can be deleted by the sender after it has been attached to a task by clicking on the delete reply button.

Edit Reply

18. Edit Reply
Depending on user permissions and subscription level, a reply can be edited by the sender after it has been attached to a task by clicking on the edit reply button.

Details Toolbar

19. Details Toolbar
The Details Toolbar displays the users option while viewing a task. For more information please review the Details Toolbar help topic.


20. Split
Split the selected reply into a new task. If a user sends a reply with information or text that is not related to the current help desk task, a new task can be created by selecting the Split button.  The new task body will be auto populated with the reply text making it easy to keep tasks focused on the resolution of a single issue.

Add or Edit Time Log

21. Add or Edit Time Log
The help desk tracks billable and non-billable time logs for time spent on a task.  These time entries can be used to track and manage time spent on tasks and tasks.  Billable time logs are visible by clicking on the Time Log button on a task's view or by clicking on a Company in the Companies List and selecting the "Billable Time" tab.